Analiza Klinike

Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatatnon proi dent sunt in culpa quiofficia deserunt mollit anim est.

Molecular Biology

Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatatnon proi dent sunt in culpa quiofficia deserunt mollit anim est.

Cardiovascular Disease

Excepteur sint ocecat cupidatatnon proi dent sunt in culpa quiofficia deserunt mollit anim est.

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Ofrojme një gamë të gjerë shërbimesh diagnostikuese

MAGI Balkans është një laborator polidiagnostik qe ofron një shërbim të gjerë për klientët Tirane. ne prezantojme një qasje të re "të integruar" për inovacionin mjekësor, parandalimin dhe kujdesin shëndetësor në Shqiperi, në përputhje me standardet evropiane të cilësisë së ekselencës.

Magi Balkan përfaqëson bashkëbiseduesin e parë në shërbimet e diagnostikimit laboratorik për shumë nje numer te madh klientesh

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Sherbimet tona kryesore

CheckUp i Pergjithshem

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Analiza Gjaku

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Analiza Gjenetike

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Vizita te specializuara

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Klinike mjekesore

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Dhurim Gjaku

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.


Kliente te kenaqur ne 2022


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Vite Eksperience


Kontakte ne komunitet 2022

Skuadra jone

Emri Mbiemri 1

Mjek Mikrobiolog

Emri Mbiemri 2

Kirurg i pergjithshem

Emri Mbiemri 3

Teknik Laboratori

Emri Mbiemri 4

Mjek Urolog

Ju pyesni, ne pergjigjemi

Ne jemi mjeke te specializuar dhe eksperte laboratori

  • Is fasting required for UEC blood test?

    That's why a fasting blood test usually requires that you avoid all food and drinks except water for 12 hours before your screening. It's also advised that you avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your fasting blood test, as well as any strenuous exercise.

  • Can you exercise before a non fasting blood test?

    That's why a fasting blood test usually requires that you avoid all food and drinks except water for 12 hours before your screening. It's also advised that you avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your fasting blood test, as well as any strenuous exercise.

  • How long do blood test results take to get back?

    That's why a fasting blood test usually requires that you avoid all food and drinks except water for 12 hours before your screening. It's also advised that you avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your fasting blood test, as well as any strenuous exercise.

  • How long does a pathology request last?

    That's why a fasting blood test usually requires that you avoid all food and drinks except water for 12 hours before your screening. It's also advised that you avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your fasting blood test, as well as any strenuous exercise.


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Te rejat e fundit ne fushen e mjeksise laboratorike

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Do You Want To Fast Track your Lab Operations

We provide complete process piping capabilities for industrial from pulp and paper.

Learn: Blood bank operation and management

We provide complete process piping capabilities for industrial from pulp and paper.

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